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Автор Принцесса, 13 Май 2022, 08:42

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Vielleicht können wir auch in anderen Sprachen kommunizieren? Deutsch?
Es gibt doch viele Sprachen, die auch viel schöner und einfacher sind, oder?


А зачем, если нас всех объединяет русский язык?
Языков много красивых, звучных...но ни один я бы не назвала простым.


Цитата: Принцесса от 13 Май 2022, 08:42Vielleicht können wir auch in anderen Sprachen kommunizieren? Deutsch?
Es gibt doch viele Sprachen, die auch viel schöner und einfacher sind, oder?
Администрация форума постарается решить этот вопрос. Если есть желание общаться на других языках, можно сделать несколько подфорумов. Или переименовать этот и общаться здесь как на английском,  так и на немецком.


Цитата: Alexa от 13 Май 2022, 09:18А зачем, если нас всех объединяет русский язык?
Языков много красивых, звучных...но ни один я бы не назвала простым.

Конечно.. Просто обидно, что везде этот английский лезет. Я вот не люблю английский. И не настолько хорошо знаю, чтобы ресурсы изучать... И если уж английский (как, м.б. "международный" пропихивать, то можно и другие тоже...) Мало ли...

Русский как иностранный, кстати, очень сложный язык. Другие намного проще...


Цитата: Gericht от 13 Май 2022, 10:27
Цитата: Принцесса от 13 Май 2022, 08:42Vielleicht können wir auch in anderen Sprachen kommunizieren? Deutsch?
Es gibt doch viele Sprachen, die auch viel schöner und einfacher sind, oder?
Администрация форума постарается решить этот вопрос. Если есть желание общаться на других языках, можно сделать несколько подфорумов. Или переименовать этот и общаться здесь как на английском,  так и на немецком.

Да. Вполне можно было бы переименовать - из "английского" в "разноязычный". или что-то в этом духе...
Извините, не хотела бы создавать дополнительную работу...


Алекс Новиков

Diana on vacation

The author is Verdmail.
Free translation by A. Novikov

From the translator: juvenile justice in the USA is resting! The facts from the Childhelp report Childhelpon child abuse in the United States are simply shocking. Every day, for reasons related to violence alone, more than five people die in the country (!!!). children's. The most common abuse of children is neglect of their life and interests (78.3%). Physical violence comes in second place (17.6%), followed by sexual violence (9.2%) and psychological violence (8.1%). 3.3 million reports of violence against 6 million children are recorded annually.
Only in New Jersey and Iowa are fully school-based corporal punishment prohibited.
Another 28 states prohibit spanking in public schools, and no one pokes their nose into private schools! As a translator, I am absolutely against such methods!

In 20 states (the entire South and Southeast), there is no ban on corporal punishment, even in public schools. Moreover, corporal punishment is often applied to students in public schools in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas! But Texas takes first place in an exemplary order everywhere, even in bars and discos! What is Texas famous for?  It is the second largest state in the United States after Alaska. Its territory is 7.5 % of the entire country, it is larger than France, or approximately Germany and the United Kingdom combined.
In terms of population, it is second only to California, where 23 million people live.  Experts say that nowhere else in the world have we seen such an amazing absence of overturned garbage cans in public placesмусорников, cigarette butts on sidewalks and driveways, graffiti on walls and bridge supports! School children are taught to order from childhood!

"They teach you! It would be better not to be taught this way!  Diane was listening to a radio program about her home state of Texas on her smartphone, watching from the window of her dad's car as several obviously stoned black beggers, along with their change-filled cans, were loaded into a van with flashing lights... - Here they will be told how to behave at the police station!  And now that's it! No teachers, no moralizing! Everything! Vacation for a blonde from Texas is off to a great start! Live well!"

 Diana was a short, brash girl of fifteen, blonde with short dark brown hair and freckles all over her face. A clean, tidy, full-bodied Texas high school student, wearing jeans and a pressed plaid shirt and neck scarf, was sitting in the passenger compartment of the car, wearing a seatbelt as required by state law.
A wide-brimmed cowboy hat with laces rested on her lap. Gradually, the flat terrain became hilly, very picturesque, and after about 50 miles, limestone outcrops appeared, crumpled into folds.
"Beauty outside the window! Only my dad threatens to turn off the Internet and смартtake away my smart phone, like I didn't deserve it! But Mom won't let him! Well, if anything, Sister Nancy will share the Internet with me!..."

Character Diana was born into the goddess whose name was so recklessly used by her parents. From an early age, she couldn't sit still for a minute, and she was always getting into trouble. In the school punishment magazine, she was the first since the first grade!
"Little children – little troubles!  My mother sighed as she studied the school report card, which was covered in red ink. Why wasn't Nancy causing so much trouble?
"Maybe I should flog him?" How was school?   Dad would sigh back. "I've been to other states, you know! So incredible for one country contrast with, for example, even Manhattan, not to mention the Bronx, New Jersey, or some there, God forbid, dirty Philadelphia... So, "bible belt", so to speak, on soft places... !"
"Well, not without it," my mother replied, " although the beltis probably not the only reason and guarantee of order, but still...  When I had to pick up our beauty from the police and pay a fine for stealing from the supermarket, I agree, this method was very effective!

Unfortunately, this was the only time that Diana received a well-deserved "Texas justice" at home, and then her mother prevented her father from fulfilling his parental duty with all severity, and school punishments were carried out with a certain chastity and did not frighten the poor girl very much.
Except for the incident in the supermarket, the conversation didn't go any further. Dad could only speculate theoretically about the benefits of strict parenting in his native America in general and in their family in particular, and mom loved the girl too much to raise a hand against her.

On Sundays, parents prayed in church for heaven's help in raising their beloved daughter. And the heavens decided to listen to their prayers: they were suddenly called to a trip on urgent business: distant relatives left them real estate as a legacy.
- We need to leave the children for a month! - dad said at the family council. "Just in time for the holidays!

Her parents decided to send Diana's older sister Nancy to live with her grandmother, and Diana to live with her uncle Dave on the farm.
"Maybe I'll go to my grandmother's, too."  Diana suggested.
The girl really didn't want to move in with her uncle. The fact is that Nancy's older sister visited her uncle last year. She said that Uncle Dave was the exact opposite of his brother: he had become a burly peasant by choosing rural life, and he kept his wife and children strictly in the same way as the Cossacks, their distant ancestors who came to Kansas after the Russian Revolution, did. He had four children of his own; two were grown up and gone, and two shared with his uncle the hardships and rigors of rural life.
So Nancy tried out the educational methods of the Texas Cossack, which, however, were not prohibited in this state!

 Dave was the older brother of Diane and Nancy's father, and an ardent advocate of the gruesome disciplinary methods that the brothers had grown up on their own.
- No!  Dad said sternly. "Grandma's already old, and she can't handle you!" And you, my daughter, will need a firm hand! And Nancy, living with her uncle last year was good for her! Successfully graduated from high school and went to college. Dave and I grew up without any sentimentality on a farm and our parents beat us up like Sidorov goats!
This expression remained one of the few inherited by the family from their Russian ancestors. By the way, our neighbors also raised the famous Walt Disney and his brother! So what? Their parents ' belt was clearly good for them!

"Enough!  Diana was offended. – Well, how much can I do? Give them Texas justice! The law prohibits flogging children!
"You're wrong, girl! According to the Center for Effective Discipline, corporal punishment is used in 21 states, including ourown!   Diana's mother suddenly interjected. – But I think it's a relic!" I agree that boys should be kept strictly! And your daughter is a girl!
"A girl!  Diana corrected her mother.
– And thanks to your efforts, our red-haired girl grew up loose and undisciplined!" Here's Uncle Dave trying to fix in a month what you couldn't do in thirteen years! With our Nancy, Dave did it, and with Diana it will work!

– IНэнси've shed so many tears for Nancy. Enough! I will only give my daughter to Dave if he doesn't physically punish her!  My mother said sternly.
"It's coming!  Dad agreed, but he didn't agree with me.
In the end, Diana went to pack her things.
 "I'll make a deal with my brother," my father thought, hugging his wife to him. I've been indulging her for too long already. However, Diana will benefit from a belt and an educational bench!"

His brother's ranch was a hundred kilometers down the freeway from the city, and by leaving early in the morning, the family managed to avoid traffic jams. We got there quickly.
"Here it is, the ancestral farm. Stone house in two floors, light delights of homegrown design!
"Here comes the master!  Diana saw her uncle in a filthy sweater and jeans, and boots with manure stuck to them.
Like his ancestors, his uncle did everything himself whenever possible, although he could hire a Mexican for a bowl of soup and bask in a hammock from morning to night: the habit of work, instilled by strict parents, affected.
On the site in front of the house – equipment, the set is minimal, but everything is smart.
- hello!  Uncle Dave went to hug his brother. "How fat you've become! I always said that you should live in the country! Look, I'm older than you, but what do I look like? You should eat simple food, not McDonalds, chop wood yourself and go barefoot!

– And who will manage our family's financial affairs?"  Bill said, pulling out of the embrace. – I'm the one who works from dawn to dusk in the office so you can live here in love with nature!" Yes, I'm getting a little fatter, but what can I do? Such a job!
"What a farm paradise! Butterfly flowers! I've been dreaming all my life!  Diana, tired from the journey, had no time for adult conversation. – How can you even live here?" Then she saw a shallow pool of water lined with cobblestones.

"Oh, is that the pool?"  The girl looked at her uncle.
"You can swim!" "Only there's a spring at the bottom!" said Uncle Dave.
Diana decided to take a dip, and for one try out a new swimsuit. A minute later, her ironed suit was lying on a plastic chair by the pool. She didn't go inside to change her clothes.
"What didn't Dad or uncle see?"  Her young body was muscular and tanned in a tiny bathing suit made of four triangles of fabric on strings, smooth everywhere: her sister had helped her get waxed before the trip.

"Ugh!  Exhausted from the heat, Diana dived into the water and immediately jumped back out. "The water was very cold, but it was refreshing.
"Let him watch if he wants!" – When she saw Timmy, a pimply, rosy-cheeked boy watching from the bushes with her, Diana stuck out her tongue, took off her bathing suit, turned her back to the viewer and wrung it out.
That's why he breathes unevenly, a country Coca-Cola lover!  You can hear it from here!  Diana turned to face the bushes. – What's new to him?" Well, then let him watch! Not a pity!"
 She turned to face the bushes. Her small breasts were topped with dark cherry nipples, and all her pubic hair was carefully shaved.
- Yes, Diana grew up with you!  My brother chuckled, watching the girl by the pool.
Her brother's entire family, including Stone, a fourteen-year-old tomboy, was delighted with her.

"This shameless girl doesn't know how to do anything by herself! Just twirl your booty! "Aunt Kindy, Uncle Dave's wife – is a tall, slender, big woman with long legs. She had inherited black hair, brown eyes, and dark skin from her Mexican mother. The nails on the hands are short, painted dark red. The skin is well-groomed and smooth, despite the hard work of farming. She's wearing old jeans and a T-shirt.
While the girl was bathing, her father quietly told her brother to do everything necessary so that Diana would behave normally while she was under her brother's care.
"You can see for yourself how the girl behaves! The red-haired beast! Shamelessgirl! You didn't throw out your father's belt, did you?" Only my wife is againstit!
– Don't worry!  Dave smiled. "It's going to be okay!" As our ancestors used to say, z salom!

– I'm counting on you!" Just make it so that my honey (as in America they call their beloved wives-approx. transl.) did not find out before the deadline! And yet, Diana smokes and not only tobacco! So as soon as we leave, take away her smart phone and cash! Let all calls and purchases are made only under your control!   Knowing what "z salom" meant, Bill was about to leave on business, but his wife persuaded him to stay and try the signature goose that was languishing in the electric oven.

"Well, Diana, hold on! "After the family dinner, Diana's parents left, and Bill never revealed the secret of the last conversation to either his brother's wife or his daughter. "I'll give you a Texas surpriseпо-техаски!"
Diana was put up in the same room Канчитаas Uncle Dave's youngest daughter, Kanchita. The girls rarely saw each other and didn't get along very well. Kanchita's skin was soft, sunburned, and not well groomed. Her face was simple, without any makeup, and her nails were cut short and without any polish.

– We go barefoot at home!  Kanchita said, " Leave your shoes here." Things in the closet! On the field, our clothes are simple, but please go to the table in clean and ironed clothes! The ironing board is here, and the washing machine is in the basement!"
"Here's a village friend! Diana thought that Kanchita was too boring, and Kanchita thought that Diana was too bad, spoiled by the city and civilization.
"It will turn out to be a city one on the bench! "Kanchita wasn't a good girlherself. "Swimming naked!" Shamelessgirl! Well, never mind, Dad will deal with her quickly!" Like her siblings, she had tried the old family remedy for bad children many times. According to her parents, Kanchita benefited greatly from this.

"And what's so good about these bulls and paddocks?  Diana hated the countryside, so she sulked at her parents as much as she could. - The Internet doesn't work well here! And the money with smart uncle took away! Am I in jail or something?"
By the second day, Diane was desperate for a cigarette, so she wandered deep into a field of sunflowers to smoke a cigarette she'd brought with her. No one noticed her absence, but about an hour later she was caught stealing $50 from Kanchita's walletto get a new bundle.

Aunt Kindy smelled nicotine on the girl's breath as she dealt with her.
Uncle Dave's sentence was swift: a double dose of family medicine for smoking and theft. It was supposed to happen that very evening.
"Here's my little sister running into trouble! "when Timmy found out about it, he got excited. "He'll turn around like a louse on a lasso!" And I'll see my sister naked again!"
Our good old bench hasn't been placed in the middle of the room for a long time, and Kanchita doesn't deserve a spanking! Well, at least Diana ran into trouble!"

 The chance to see her shameless cousin naked and spinning on the bench only increased the sense of revenge for the robbed Kanchita.
"And Dad cheated on Mom! If they take me away, I'll tell my mother everything! And Kanchita paltynik pity!"  Diana decided, but there was no way to call her mother and complain.
As the meal progressed, the quiet suspense grew feverish. It's not every day that a farmer's family has a sweet treat like this.
Diana, for her part, ешеwasn't sure exactly what the "family medicine" was, but she guessed it involved spanking.

"Tell me, what's going to happen tonight?"  Diana asked Canchita, but she was forbidden to discuss it under threat of getting her own dose of it. – The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted on November 20, 1989, prohibits corporal punishment of children.
"НуSo complain to the UN!  Kanchita chuckled. "To the New York headquarters!" And here we have a simple way to deal with thieves! Didn't Nancy tell you?"
–I told you something..."
The older sister preferred not to talk about what happened to her in this house.
Uncle Dave wanted the pew and everything that awaited her to be a surprise for her niece: Diana was aware of how her older sister was raised last year, but until the last minute she naively hoped for her mother's intercession.

 After the plates were washed at the end of dinner, Uncle Dave announced that the punishment would take place just before bedtime.
"I'll meet everyone in the living room at nine sharp!"  Uncle Dave opened a can of beer. – I don't recommend being late!
Kanchita flatly refused to give the phone to Diana, so that she would call her mother and complain.
"Papa will arrange it for her!"  Pimply Stone had already brought a toweling towel and a bucket full of cold water.

At nine o'clock sharp, everyone began to gather in the living room.

"I ran into it! And my mother said that they wouldn't physically punish me! And Dad promised her!  Diana sat in a chair by the fireplace, her bad mood turning to anxious anticipation. – It's against the law!" Both my mother and I were deceived! Why the bucket?"
- And here is the culprit of the meeting!  Aunt Kindy came in and shooed Diana out of her chair.
She stood up, but only briefly.
My uncle came in with his favorite educational tool: a long belt, a family heirloom. Uncle Dave and Stone pulled out a wide wooden bench with folding metal legs from behind the closet, deftly assembled it, and placed it in the center of the room.
- Here on it we bring up!  Uncle Dave set the educational tool on the arm of a chair and rubbed it with goose fat.
Then Diana's heart began to pound. The prospect of the very near future for her and her ass was very sad!
"I'll be flogged on this bench! The horror! And the whole family gathered to watch! Why does my uncle put lard on his belt? And there's nowhere to run!"
Diana was the center of attention, Uncle Dave was taking his time preparing his belt, and the other members of the family were watching the performance on the sidelines and whispering in anticipation.

Diana was quiet this time. Finally, my uncle said:
"Diana, you will be severely punished for smoking and stealing. However, the severity of the spanking and its duration will depend on you! First, take off all your clothes! Considering your naked swimsuit, it won't be difficult for you! Fold it carefully and place it on the chair seat. Of course, you can disagree, then my whole family will help you get a seat on the bench, and the punishment will increase! You can choose!

"Do I have to undress myself?"  Diana's mouth went dry, but she knew what would happen if she didn't.
Flushed with excitement, her eyes wide with fear, the girl was a miracle of how pretty she was.
"Mom is not around and there is no one to wait for rescue!"  She stood up and looked around at the family, wondering if they were making a fool of her.
 "Well, in a swimsuit made of three pieces of cloth, and even without it, everyone saw me here! Let them look again!" – Diana slowly got up and hesitated, trying to decide where to start undressing.
- Consider yourself getting a deep anti-cellulite massage!
– I don't have cellulite!"  Diana snapped, and pulled her head up over her T-shirt, turning it inside out, then turning it over again and folding it up.
Diana folded her arms across her chest as if she was feeling cold, but then she realized that everyone was waiting for her to continue.
"I'll give them a striptease! She undid the top button on her shorts, then slowly pulled the zipper down to her full length. My shorts fell over my bare feet. Slender legs, tanned and depilated, became visible in all its glory. Diana blushed not so much at the sudden exposure as at the interest of the audience, stepped out of her shorts, then picked them up and shook out the legs of her pants. She folded it on top of her other clothes.
Then she looked up at Uncle Dave. He nodded in agreement to the unasked question. Diana blushed again and looked back at the family waiting to get out of their last clothes.

The children, Kanchita and Stone, enjoyed watching the preparations for their cousin's punishment, which they themselves hated so much.
Finally, Diane, already red as a lobster on a platter, stuck her thumb under the elastic waistband of her panties and pulled them down. Her uncle nodded at her. She took a deep breath and finished the action by pulling them down and exposing her bare, clean-shaven spot.
Diana quickly turned around to put her underwear on top of her clothes.
The family admired Diana's youthful, slightly angular form. Turning around, Diana made a feeble attempt to cover the spot with her folded hands. My uncle ordered them to be lowered to the sides. Diana obeyed, and the family found the long-awaited sight: small youthful breasts and a secret place.
The whole family, including Timmy, looked at the girl with gloomy anticipation.
"This is how promises not to punish me physically end! "Diana was in a very uncomfortable and very humiliating position. "Trust the adults after that!" A full twenty seconds passedas the family looked at Diana freely.
"When will they fall in love?"  Diana waited impatiently.
Finally, Uncle Dave decided to start whipping.
"The bench is waiting for you."." She stepped forward. Uncle Dave laid her belly-down on the bench and smeared goose fat on her buttocks.
"What's that for?"  Diana asked, but didn't dare ask.
Then Uncle Dave started slapping the girl with his hand. The flesh warmed under his palm, and he smiled contentedly as he continued to slap.

"They fought harder at school!   Diana lay courageously on the bench. "But they beat me through my underpants with a wooden slapstick!"
He didn't slap very hard, just enough to embarrass Diana and squeeze a few stray tears out of her.  A little later , Dave finished and showed the audience a slightly reddened buttocks.
The family applauded. Uncle Dave smiled and slapped Diane's ass.

"As a second dose, you will be punished in the Texas way severely: with a belt. Get up and I'll put a pillow under your stomach!" Kanchita,get under her feet! That's how good it will be!"

 Kanchita tied a rope around her ankles.
Uncle Dave took a greasy belt from the armrest, and Aunt Kindy grabbed Diane's wrists. Taking up a position behind Diana, he began to really whip her ass with the belt.
FUCK! FUCK! The belt sounded very loud.
The girl struggled, but they held her down and tied her hands tightly. It lashed all over her bottom, stopping just below her buttocks and at the base of her spine, turning her buttocks red.
- Oooh... Please, Uncle Dave, this hurts.  Diana spun around in pain.
Oh, my, my, she sat down to think. "Is Nancy really like this?"
"Oooh! That's enough, I'll be ... awww!...  Very soon, the tears were pouring out of her eyes in three streams.
"Ouch! I'll be good, oh good. Enough! Aunt Kindy, Kanchi....ahyeeeee!
No one heard the pleas for leniency: all the spectators were not interested in stopping the spanking prematurely.
"That's enough, please. Ahhhh!!
At the same time, the girl very erotically jerked her legs, which brought Stone, and the rest of the audience, to ecstasy.
Uncle Dave was fair. The niece should get a good lesson, but harmless to her health.
"Lie down for now!"  Finally, my uncle stopped. His arm was tired, and Diana's bottom was the color of a ripe tomato.

- Corporal punishment at school and at home has its origins in the British practice of the XIX and XX centuries!  Aunt Kindy released her wrists, and Kanchita untied her ankles and placed a wet towel on Diana's bottom.
– But this is the twenty-first century!  Diana realized that the spanking was complete, and Stone felt that he had come in his pants and needed to wash and change his underwear for the night.
Diana spun around and squeezed her buttocks with her hands. They were so sick!

 – Now you know that all whims, disobedience and bad behavior are treated here on this bench!
She turned around and squeezed and touched her buttocks. They were so sick!
After Diana calmed down, Uncle Dave ordered the bench to be put back behind the cabinet, which Aunt Kindy did. When she returned, her uncle demanded to apologize to the robbed sister and each of the family members. Diana wiped away her tears as she did so, eyeing the belt suspiciously.

"Just so we can be sure you've learned your lesson, give your laptop and cell phone to Aunt Kindy. In the remaining days, she will keep everything for herself. And stop making this place wet! Tomorrow you will get normal jeans and a T-shirt – you will work! This is your summer vacation, and we farmers have the hottest days! Then, when your dad gets back, your aunt will give you back your clothes and equipment!
And remember, thief, even the smallest infraction will end on this very bench. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir," Diana said. She felt really stupid, miserable, and humiliated.
The wet towel gradually eased the pain in my buttocks.
"Okay, just lie down and listen for now!  He explained to Diana that the farming business is a constant balancing act between the market price of feed and the market price of milk. Now the feed has grown, and the milk has fallen, so there is no money to hire workers and everything must be done by ourselves, and Diana will work on an equal basis with everyone else.

"Get up!"  Uncle Dave smiled. – Now you're going to go and take a shower. Go on!"
Diana staggered down the hall with her aunt.

Diana thought that after such an "inquisition" she could not sit down for several days, but the fat did its job. After a few hours, there were no signs of punishment.
"It's goose fat!"  Kanchita examined Diana for the night. "You're in luck! If Papa had taken the rod...
– Can he even take a rod?"
"Maybe! So don't run into it! Always come to the table in clean clothes, with clean hands and feet! Also, watch out for my little brother! This pimply youngster will make sure that you take a seat on the bench as often as possible!
In the morning, she was taken to learn how to work on a tractor.

- It starts with a turn of the key and a kick, eats almost no gas, is served by a neighbor Peter with eight grades of education. I bought a nozzle from him for 200 bucks - and the tractor turns into a reaper, and for another 50 he will weed the garden for you. That's what you're going to do with weeding!  Kanchita will show you, and then you will understand what will happen if you fail! Well, if Kanchita does not explain everything well – you will both lie down on the bench!
"We can't fit both of them!"  Diana snorted.
"One at a time!  my uncle asked.

"Diane, Timmy was showing his sister how to clean the tractor after work.
"I won't give it to you!" - The girl answered, and do not dream!
– But I could buy you cigarettes!" You're sticking your tongue out at me!
"Listen, preoccupied boy, one more suggestion like that and I'll complain to your dad.
Timmy frowned, but didn't press the point.
"If she'll be nice to me, I'll show her where a cannabis bush grows at the edge of the field! And my parents don't know about it!" he thought.
 It certainly wasn't a quick month off for Diana.
Diana undressed and lay down on the bench almost daily, except for three times when she was severely flogged along with Kanchita and a cousin for illegal cultivation and use of cannabis. Even her aunt had spanked her herself once.
But after a month on her uncle's farm, Diana began to behave much better! Even her mother admitted it!

From the author: because of the non-ratified convention, opponents of corporal punishment in American schools appeal to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the US Constitution. It doesn't help much...

* And about beggers: black (mostly) beggars ("beggar" - from the word"beg" - to ask, beg, beg), usually extort money at road intersections in the south or in crowded places in large cities where they are not chased by the police (in the same New York). They are usually drunk (and, or under marijuana), cheeky and operate with an open beer or cola can with change inside, rattling this iron and demanding "chench" from passers-byченч, i.e. change... After midnight (in the same Manhattan, for example) they become aggressive...

© Copyright: Alex Novikov 2, 2015

Alex Novikov 2 08/27/2024 13: 58

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Цитата: Принцесса от 13 Май 2022, 17:29
Цитата: Alexa от 13 Май 2022, 09:18А зачем, если нас всех объединяет русский язык?
Языков много красивых, звучных...но ни один я бы не назвала простым.

Конечно.. Просто обидно, что везде этот английский лезет. Я вот не люблю английский. И не настолько хорошо знаю, чтобы ресурсы изучать... И если уж английский (как, м.б. "международный" пропихивать, то можно и другие тоже...) Мало ли...

Русский как иностранный, кстати, очень сложный язык. Другие намного проще...
А почему вы так не любите английский?
Возможно Андрей